
خالد هل كان هو ومن قبله كبش الفداء؟!

عزائـي من الظُـلاَّم إن مِـتُ قبلـهم
عمــوم المنـايا مالها من تجــامله

إذا أقصـد المـوت القتيل فإنـه..
كـذلك ما ينجـو من الموت قاتله

فنحن ذنــوب الموت وهي كثيـرةٌ
وهـم حسنات المـوت حيـن تسائـله

يقـومُ بـها يـوم الحسـاب مدافـعًا
يـردُ بـها ذمامـه ويجــادله

ولكـنَ قتــلاً فـي بــلادي كريـمةً
ستبـقيه مفقــود الجـوابِ يحاولــه

تميم البرغوثي


استشعار أسماء الله الحسنى

منذ ما يقل عن الشهر، تركنا أحد الزملاء، وبعث لنا برسالة وداع فيها كلمة لفيكتور هيوجو

"لأن تحب شخصًا آخر هو بعينه أن ترى وجه الله"

أعجبتني العبارة دون أن أدري سببًا لذلك، ثم بدأت مؤخرًا في سماع دروس لأسماء الله الحسنى مع محاولة تطبيقها، فبدأت أدرك أن ترى معنى الملك في الدنيا من حولك وفي نفسك، ومعنى الرحيم، واللطيف، والحكيم، والرقيب

بدأت أدرك معنى عبارة هيوجو وكأنك ترى الله وتسمعه وتفهمه

وتستشعر بصدق معنى حب الله لأنك تتعلم من أسمائه أن تعرفه_

أجمل الدروس يمكن أن تجدونها على



A scene full of meaning

Achilles: If I give him to you, it doesn't change anything. You are still my enemy at the morning.

King Priam: You are still my enemy tonight,
but even enemies can show respect.



A night In my grave

Yesterday I had a very weird dream. I saw myself buried in my grave, hearing the prayers, feeling the tightness of the winding-sheet, the heaviness of the soil, and the heat of this grave. I was very afraid, and I felt I need to cry. I wondered when did I die? Did I pray the last prayer or not? Did I say "There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah" at my last moment on earth? Trying to be calm, I reminded myself of how I should reply the two angels when they ask me: who is your God, your Messenger, your religion?

After a while, my family, friends, and the men who did bury me left me alone in this grave and went away. The two angels came immediately, and helped me to sit down and started their questions. I did not reply, I tried to remember what I should say, but I was totally shocked. I felt that I forgot every word and every single letter; I even forget what my language was. I did not pronounce a word. The only thing I did was crying. I cried deeply for long time and my tears made a very big lake.

I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder repeating my name over and over. After a very long period, which I later realized it was only three minutes, I woke up seeing my Mum trying to wake me up after she heard my crying. My tears made my pillow wet.

I started crying again on my Mum's hands this time, and then I prostrate my head on ground thanking Allah that he gave me another chance.

* Many Thanks to my dearest reviser "Shimaa Nabil"